How to Improve Your Quality of Life After Vision Loss
Losing your vision or your eye can be a traumatic experience. You begin to question how you can start again after a significant change and wonder if you’ll return to the life you’ve known.
If someone you care about has recently experienced vision loss, you may also be asking questions about how your loved one can resume daily life after this change. How will they continue to work, be part of the community, or care for themselves during this season?
Vision Loss and Quality of Life
At Carolina Eye Prosthetics, we want to partner with you on this transition. One of the most common questions clients have is about what their future will look like after vision loss disability.
We hope to provide some insight on how to improve the quality of life after vision loss, ways to seek expert help, and practical ways for family members to give support.
How Can You Improve Quality of Life After Vision Loss?
Consult an ocularist about prosthetic eye services.
Aside from the physical adjustments, there are real, psychological effects of vision loss. Some patients may feel self-conscious and lack confidence if their eye becomes disfigured. When this happens, you or your loved one may consider getting a prosthetic eye or scleral shell service. The first step before seeking the services of an ocularist is to consult a physician who will provide you with recommendations on your eye procedure. Your doctor will give you treatment options, which may include prosthetic eye services that are right-fit for your needs.

Our team of ocularists at Carolina Eye Prosthetics creates beautiful, hand-painted artificial eyes that include all the details that are uniquely you. Kristen Mitchell, one of our patients, felt more confident and comfortable after getting her prosthetic eye.
[Anna’s] artistic skills in drawing and coloring…the eye looks spot on. It pops in right over my smaller eye. [This prosthetic eye] was really for me.
– Kristen Mitchell, CEP Patient
If you’d like to know more about how you or a loved one can feel confident again after a vision loss, and have doctor’s approval to see an ocularist, you may reach out to us for a free consultation. We also have a free resource that’s helpful when choosing a prosthetic eye provider:
Talk to your healthcare provider about adaptive living strategies.
Vision loss can affect the way you do things. Making some changes to your routine and environment can help you feel more supported in everyday tasks, whether walking around your house, using a computer, brushing your teeth, or eating a meal.
What do adaptive tools look like? Here are some examples:
- Tactile labels: Your healthcare provider may recommend using medication containers, appliances, or personal hygiene products with embossed symbols to help you distinguish items you need.
- Audio and speech assistance: Instead of visual instructions, you may receive devices or programs with audio narration. Your provider may suggest speech-to-text apps that can help you type, send emails, or instruct a smart device in your daily tasks.
- Mobility strategies: Getting medical canes, walkers, wheelchairs, or having a service dog are examples of ways people adapt to vision loss.
Consider joining groups or therapy to build a strong support system.
A solid support system on all ends can be so helpful for someone coping with vision or eye loss. It can be a safe place to share thoughts and feelings — to know that you’re not alone in this journey.
You can ask your provider about therapists specializing in coping with disabilities. There are also rehabilitation services offering occupational therapy and counseling — both can help you physically and emotionally adapt to changes after losing eyesight.
Below, you’ll also find some support groups where you can connect with individuals and families journeying life with vision loss:
As you explore these support groups, know that you or your family are free to join whether you’re a corneal scleral shell candidate or not.
Moving Forward: Regaining Your Life’s Vision
We hope that the strategies suggested here will give you hope as you overcome the impact of vision loss on your quality of life.
And, if you’re considering getting a personalized prosthetic eye to restore your confidence, we’d love to get in touch with you! Call us today at 1-877-763-9393 or schedule a free appointment below.