Self-Care & Prosthetic Eyes | 3 Reasons Not to Delay Getting a New Prosthetic Eye

For patients who have experienced eye loss, self-care might look like a new prosthetic eye. At Carolina Eye Prosthetics in Burlington, North Carolina, experts share some of the many positive benefits of a custom prosthesis, including improved self confidence and eye socket health.

#1. Custom prosthetic eyes are realistic, comfortable, and made just for the individual. 

When it comes to prosthetic eyes, there are two types: stock and custom. Stock prosthetics are one-size-fits-all solutions as they come right off the shelf. Custom prosthetics are made to a patient’s specifications so that the eye has a realistic appearance and is uniquely theirs. 

At Carolina Eye Prosthetics, we make the prosthesis process as easy and enjoyable as possible. Patients start with a video consultation or an in-person appointment where we assess their eligibility for a custom prosthetic eye. If they’re a candidate, we have them come in one morning to our office in Burlington for their fitting. (Patients who have long drives to our office are put up in a nearby hotel at no cost.)  After their fitting, they can go grab some lunch and enjoy nearby attractions. When they return to the office, we’ll hand-paint their prosthesis. Then comes the best part – showing our patients the final product and watching them head home feeling confident and happy! 



#2. They’re easy to maintain and require professional cleanings only every six months. 

Maintaining a custom prosthetic eye is as easy as keeping it clean and lubricated. At Carolina Eye Prosthetics, we recommend coming to see us every six months to have the custom prosthesis professionally cleaned and maintained. 

For patients who choose to take their prosthesis out at home, it can be stored in salt water or over-the-counter saline solution, such as contact lens solution. This will ensure it doesn’t dry out. For at home cleanings, mild soap and water is all that is needed. It is entirely up to a patient how often they remove their prosthesis, as it doesn’t have to be removed daily or even weekly! 

For more tips on cleaning prosthetic eyes, visit our website.

#3. Follow up care can help ensure overall eye socket health and help determine when it’s time to replace a prosthetic eye.

Having a custom prosthetic eye means regularly scheduled follow up care to ensure eye socket health as well as to maintain a prosthesis. 

Most prosthetic eyes will last anywhere between three to five years, and regularly scheduled professional cleaning and maintenance will help prolong the life of your prosthesis.

When patients come in to have their prosthetic eyes professionally cleaned, it also allows the ocularist to check the health of the patient’s eye socket. This can help identify or prevent any possible concerns. 

At Carolina Eye Prosthetics, we offer our patients an easy and fun way to stay on top of their six-month cleanings: they can join our VIP program and receive perks when they come in for their cleanings! After two follow-up visits within 12 months, they’ll receive a $25 gas card and a free Carolina Eye Prosthetics t-shirt, and after four follow-up visits within 24 months, they’ll receive a $25 gas card and a $20 DoorDash gift certificate! 

If you’re looking for an ocularist in the Burlington area, contact Carolina Eye Prosthetics today.