How to Talk to Your Child About Their Prosthetic Eye

A new eye can help your child build confidence, which can positively impact so many areas of their life. But how do you talk to your child about their prosthetic eye? And how do you empower them to explain the many benefits of their prosthetic eye to friends and others who ask about it? 

At Carolina Eye Prosthetics in Burlington, North Carolina, with a board-certified ocularist on staff who specializes in pediatrics, we have a few tips for talking to your child about their prosthetic eye, and how to encourage them to speak confidently about their situation.

  1. Talk to your child about the many positive benefits of a custom prosthetic eye. 

    When talking to your child, be sure to point out how you’ve noticed they’re more confident, and how that boost in confidence can only help when it comes to overcoming challenges and being more open to new opportunities.

    When it comes to caring for their prosthetic eye, you can reassure them how easy it is to maintain and keep clean, and they shouldn’t worry about it falling out! Here are some helpful frequently asked questions about how to care for a prosthetic eye.
  2. Teach them how to advocate for what they need to be successful.

    With their new prosthetic eye, empower your child to be vocal about what they need to thrive, such as requesting a seat closer to the front of the classroom or wearing protective eye gear when playing sports. Remind them they can always talk to you if they’re encountering any mistreatment or feeling isolated; reassure them you can help by talking to teachers, coaches, and mentors to bring awareness to any issues.  

Here are some tips on how to talk to your child’s teacher about their new prosthetic eye.

  1. Help them understand how their custom prosthetic eye was made just for them.  

    Remind them their new eye is as unique as they are — from the shape to the size to the color — and encourage them to share this uniqueness with others. 

If your child is curious about the creation process of their prosthesis, you can read a detailed overview on our website

Looking for an ocularist for your child? 

Visit Carolina Eye Prosthetics pediatric services webpage and download your free e-book, Choosing a Prosthetic Eye Provider. 
At Carolina Eye Prosthetics, we support children and their families by providing custom prosthetic eyes and a compassionate approach to pediatric care. We have:

Read six-year-old Eleanor’s story about her journey with microphthalmia.

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