Lash Lifts: What You Need to Know
If you’re considering an eyelash lift, perhaps you love the idea of a more lasting solution. A lash lift can give you the look you want.
Lash lifts have certainly grown in popularity over the last several years. Patients find the procedure gives the appearance of fuller, thicker eyelashes, and offers a boost of comfort and confidence.
But you also have some lingering hesitations. You’re concerned that getting a lash lift is an invasive procedure.
Or maybe you’re wondering how lash lifts actually work. How long do they last? How long does the actual procedure take?
You’re not alone!
Actually, the procedure is easier than many people realize.

How Do Eyelash Lifts Work?
A lash lift is a procedure that lifts the eyelashes up and off the eye. This can relieve entropion and give the eyes an instantly bigger and more open appearance.
Entropion is a condition caused when the eyelid turns inward, making the eyelashes rub against the eye. This can cause irritation, and occasionally give an uneven look to the patient’s eyes.
Interested in learning more? We are happy to answer any of your questions.
How Long Do Lash Lifts Last?
Lash lifts typically last about 4-8 weeks, depending on your lash length and thickness.
How long you maintain the lash lift is based on a number of factors. These include immediate aftercare, long-term lash care, how fast your lashes naturally grow, and the type of procedure itself.
How Long Do Lash Lifts Take to Do?
The cosmetic procedure typically only takes 45 minutes to an hour. It should be painless with minimal discomfort.
If you are getting a new, custom artificial eye, you might be a good candidate for a lash lift. We can do the procedure on the same day you receive your eye.
At Carolina Eye Prosthetics, the lash lift involves three steps:
- Eyelashes are cleaned to determine the right size silicone form. Lashes are glued onto the form.
- We perm (or curl) your eyelashes, keeping your lower lashes completely covered.
- Your eyelashes are nourished with a keratin blend.
You should not experience any residual discomfort following the procedure. It is recommended that patients not get their lashes wet within the first 24 hours after the procedure. We offer a lash serum and mascara that is usable right after the service.
In addition to lash lifts, Carolina Eye Prosthetics can help with custom prosthetic eyes and other ocularist services.
Before choosing a provider, you’ll want to know about four important considerations.

Our team can provide coaching to patients with magnetic eyelash applications to enhance their appearance and add an extra boost of confidence. We can help with eyelash extensions, lash lifts, and tints.
If you have questions about custom prosthetic eyes, corneal scleral shells, microphthalmia socket treatment, or other specialized ocularist services, contact us here, or call (877) 763-9393.